[Printable] Wording of ‘Eid Takbir and Tahmeed

Saying Takbir begins on the eve of the Fitr prayer and lasts until the Imaam appears for the ‘Eid prayer (Print a copy: Wording of ‘Eid Takbir).

It’s wording is

Allaahu Akbar
Allaahu Akbar
laa ilaaha ill-Allaah,
wallaahu Akbar
Allaahu Akbar
wa lillaahil-Hamd


Allaahu Akbar
Allaahu Akbar
Allaahu Akbar
laa ilaaha ill-Allaah,
Allaahu Akbar
Allaahu Akbar
Allaahu Akbar
wa lillaahil-Hamd

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